Thursday, May 10, 2007

How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

How to tell if your spouse is cheating

An article below about Reverse Cell Phone Lookup and how you can use it to catch a cheating spouse.

Main article
How to Catch a Cheating Spouse by Doing a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup by Chris Rempel

If you've been noticing behavior from your spouse that lends itself to the "tell-tale" signs of infidelity - then it's time to find out the truth about the issue, for good. This article describes how you might be able to do so, just by obtaining their cellular phone...

Now, before I go any further, I'd first like to express my sympathy for you, the reader. You obviously stumbled across this article by searching for something related to "cheating spouse" or "catch a cheating spouse".

I can't even begin to imagine the inner turmoil, anxiety and pain that must be coursing through your soul at this moment. And so I'd like to point out that your suspicions may be incorrect (hopefully).

With that said, here are two ways to find out for sure - one way or the other - so that you can at least know the truth and put your anxious, wondering thoughts to rest.

You'll need to obtain your spouse's cell phone. Write down every number in their caller history that looks suspect to you, and then follow the instructions below:

1. Simply head on over to Google and type in their number in the following format:


And hit the search button (include the quotes around your search query, as above).

Surprisingly, this will often dig up a phone number - even cell numbers or unlisted numbers - if it's attached or associated in some way with an online listing, profile page, classified ad or otherwise data that has been submitted to a content source that the major search engines can index.

If your search yields no results, try using Yahoo and MSN. If there are still no results, drop the area code and just use their 7-digit number (with quotation marks, again) - and do this across all three major search engines as well.

2. If that doesn't work, then you can use a lookup service that will recover the owner's name, address and other details associated with any phone number - cellular, unlisted, business, residential, pager or otherwise.

The two "must-haves" for these types of services are a 100% guarantee (refund policy) in the event that results cannot be procured for a given number, as well as a sample search, so as to save time by seeing if the suspected number is in their database to begin with.

Reverse Cell Search services abound, but only a few will meet the above standards, so spend wisely.

I truly hope that your findings reveal that any "suspicious" numbers on his/her phone are from a long-lost friend, a counselor, a relative or some other legitimate source.

And if nothing else, may this article help you to discover the truth about what's happening.

You deserve to know.
About the Author

Chris Rempel recommends using This Lookup Service if you need to find out who belongs to a cell phone or unlisted number.

They offer a 56-day guarantee on their results, and you can easily find out if the number you're looking for is available by doing a sample search for free. Try them out first.

How to tell if your spouse is cheating

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